INDU Great Marsh, Derby Ditch East
Species List|Analysis and Graphs|Cover|Fungi|Soil|Maps|Photos

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To prevent poaching, endangered species are not included in this list. More info...

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Latin NameCommon NameMapStrataNative?
Acer rubrumred mapleYES
Acorus americanusAmerican sweet flagYES
Alisma subcordatumcommon water plantainYES
Asclepias incarnataswamp milkweedYES
Bidens connatapurple-stemmed tickseedYES
Calamagrostis canadensisblue joint grassYES
Carex  ?
Carex comosabristly sedgeYES
Carex lacustriscommon lake sedgeYES
Carex lupulinacommon hop sedgeYES
Cicuta bulbiferabulblet-bearing water hemlockYES
Cornus racemosagray dogwoodYES
Decodon verticillatusswamp loosestrifeYES
Epilobium coloratumcinnamon willow herbYES
Eupatorium  ?
Eupatorium maculatumspotted Joe Pye weedYES
Eupatorium perfoliatumcommon bonesetYES
Fraxinus pennsylvanicared ashYES
Galium tinctoriumstiff bedstrawYES
Impatiens capensisspotted touch-me-not; orange jewelweedYES
Iris virginicablue flagYES
Juncus acuminatussharp-fruited rushYES
Leersia oryzoidesrice cut grassYES
Lemna  ?
Ludwigia palustrismarsh purslaneYES
Lycopus uniflorusnorthern bugle weedYES
Lysimachia thyrsifloratufted loosestrifeYES
Mimulus ringensmonkey flowerYES
Oenothera  ?
Persicaria  ?
Persicaria amphibia var. emersawater smartweed; water heartseaseYES
Persicaria arifoliahalberd-leaved tear-thumbYES
Persicaria punctatasmartweedYES
Persicaria sagittataarrow-leaved tearthumbYES
Phalaris arundinaceareed canary grassNO [invasive]
Phragmites australiscommon reedNO [invasive]
Pilea fontanabog clearweedYES
Populus deltoideseastern cottonwoodYES
Proserpinaca palustrismermaid weedYES
Ranunculus sceleratuscursed buttercupYES
Rorippa palustris ssp. fernaldianamarsh cressYES
Rumex britannicagreat water dockYES
Sagittaria latifoliacommon arrowheadYES
Salix  ?
Salix amygdaloidespeach-leaved willowYES
Salix discolorpussy willowYES
Salix nigrablack willowYES
Schoenoplectus acutus var. acutushard-stemmed bulrushYES
Schoenoplectus pungenschairmaker's rushYES
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontanigreat bulrushYES
Scirpus cyperinuswool grassYES
Scutellaria laterifloramad-dog skullcapYES
Sium suavetall water parsnipYES
Solanum dulcamarabittersweet nightshadeNO [invasive]
Solidago gigantealate goldenrodYES
Typha x glaucahybrid cattailNO [invasive]
Verbena hastatablue vervainYES
47 native6 unknown4 nonnative(4 invasive non-native)Species count : 57
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Mapping : show cover (maximum recorded)
Plot 1 Map

Plot 2 Map

Plot 3 Map
 Recorded here
 Presence here implied from presence in nested quadrat
Smaller quadrats are not shown at exact scale.
See our methods page for details on plot layout.

Protected Species Policy
To prevent poaching, NIRMI does not provide the location of any endangered, threatened, or otherwise protected species found within any of our plots. All lists, charts, and calculations (richness, FQI, etc.) therefore exclude these species as well.
If you are conducting research and have a legitimate need for this unfiltered data, please contact us at
nirmi (at) iun (dot) edu.

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