Species List|Analysis and Graphs|Cover|Fungi|DBH (woody stems)|Soil|Maps|Photos

The lack of obvious macro-fungi is normal for a wetland habitat, although microfungi are likely present but not typically observed.

This site has been surveyed under good weather conditions. Relevant ecological roles should be represented.

See only species found in:

Species list for all plots
Nothing was found that meets these parameters.
Latin NameID ConfidenceMapEcological Role
Species count : 0
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Mapping :

Plot 1 Map

Plot 2 Map

Plot 3 Map
 Recorded here
 Presence here implied from presence in nested quadrat
Smaller quadrats are not shown at exact scale.
See our methods page for details on plot layout.

Protected Species Policy
To prevent poaching, NIRMI does not provide the location of any endangered, threatened, or otherwise protected species found within any of our plots. All lists, charts, and calculations (richness, FQI, etc.) therefore exclude these species as well.
If you are conducting research and have a legitimate need for this unfiltered data, please contact us at
nirmi (at) iun (dot) edu.

(C)opyright 2010-2025 NIRMI