Tutorial : Viewing Photos
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Most sites have photos available. Once you've selected a site, click on the "photos" link near the top of the page, underneath the site title (as shown below).
Note : if there is no "photos" link here, that means that no images are available for this site yet.

This page may take a moment to load, as the images might be large. Click on any photo to see the full-size version (these are mostly about 800 to 1050 pixels wide).

Tutorial : Specific Sites
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How do I find what sites are listed, and get to a site page?
How do I find a list of species?
Can I see pictures of the site?
Can I see maps of the site? Or to the site?
Can I see spatial information for species within a site?
Can I make graphs or do heavier data analysis?
Can I export this data somehow?
Can I see soil data?
Can I see data on fungi?
Can I compare smaller scales within plots? (...yes - it's an option here)
Can I calculate FQI? (...yes - it's an option here)
Can I calculate mean C? (...yes - it's an option here)

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