Tutorial : Regional Analysis Types
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What kind of analyses are available?
The following regional analyses are currently available :

Habitat Type (displays a wetland / grassland / woodland icon for each site)
Species Richness (displays a simple species count)
Species Richness / ln plot area (species count adjusted for total sampling area)
Average Plot Richness (the average of each individual plot's species richness at a site)
Percent Native
FQI (Floristic Quality Index, a measure of a site's ecological integrity)
FQI, natives only (as Swink and Wilhelm originally developed this metric)
Number of Years Visited (a rough measure of our sampling intensity at a site)
Map for a specific species

This list is currently being expanded. If there is a type of analysis you'd like to see here, we'd be happy to implement it. Contact us at nirmi {at} iun {dot} edu.

Next : Do red dots mean a site is "bad" in some way?

Tutorial : Multiple Sites
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How can I see what sites are available?
How can I see data patterns among sites?
What kind of analyses are available?
Do red dots mean a site is "bad" in some way?
Can I get a more detailed comparison between two sites?
Can I export this data somehow?

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