Ambler Expansion
Species List|Analysis and Graphs|Cover|Fungi|Soil|Maps|Photos

The flatwoods section of Ambler Expansion harbors a good diversity of fungi, including species that are unusual for northern Indiana (for example, Russula compacta and Russula ballouii).

This site has been surveyed under good weather conditions. Relevant ecological roles should be represented.

See only species found in:

Species list for all plots
Latin NameID ConfidenceMapEcological Role
Amanita brunnescensMycorrhizal
Amanita GN274Mycorrhizal
Amanita rubescensMycorrhizal
Artomyces pyxidatusSaprobe
Boletus frostiiMycorrhizal
Boletus pallidusMycorrhizal
Boletus subvelutipesMycorrhizal
Clitocybe gibbaSaprobe
Ganoderma applanatumParasite
Hydnellum spongiosipesMycorrhizal
Hydnochaete olivaceaSaprobe
Hypomyces chrysospermusParasite
Lactarius imperceptusMycorrhizal
Leccinum holopus var. americanumMycorrhizal
Lenzites elegansSaprobe
Marasmius delectansSaprobe
Perenniporia ohiensisSaprobe
Piptoporus betulinusSaprobe
Polyporus squamosusParasite
Russula ballouiiMycorrhizal
Russula compactaMycorrhizal
Russula ornaticepsMycorrhizal
Russula seperinaMycorrhizal
Russula silvicolaMycorrhizal
Russula subsericeonitensMycorrhizal
Stereum complicatumSaprobe
Stereum hirsutumSaprobe
Trametes versicolorSaprobe
Trichaptum biformeSaprobe
Tricholoma sejunctumMycorrhizal
Tylopilus indecisusMycorrhizal
Tyromyces caesiusSaprobe
Species count : 35
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Ecological role summary :

Mapping :
Plot 1 Map

Plot 2 Map

Plot 3 Map

Plot 4 Map
 Recorded here
 Presence here implied from presence in nested quadrat
Smaller quadrats are not shown at exact scale.
See our methods page for details on plot layout.

Protected Species Policy
To prevent poaching, NIRMI does not provide the location of any endangered, threatened, or otherwise protected species found within any of our plots. All lists, charts, and calculations (richness, FQI, etc.) therefore exclude these species as well.
If you are conducting research and have a legitimate need for this unfiltered data, please contact us at
nirmi (at) iun (dot) edu.

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