Cressmoor Prairie
Species List|Analysis and Graphs|Cover|Fungi|Soil|Maps|Photos
Soil Data (2011)
Plot 1Plot 2Plot 3Plot 4Plot 5Plot 6Plot 7 Average*
TextureSilt LoamClay LoamClaySilty Clay LoamLoamClay Loam ---
Sand %232315172521 17.7
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Silt %534539494949 40.6
Clay %243246342630 27.4
pH7. 6.3
Buffer pH6. 5.8
Organic % 6.5
Cation Exchange Capacity (meq/100g)12.221.814.520.417.015.720.8 17.5
Saturation - Ca71.958.648.257.757.454.058.9 58.1
Saturation - H16.516.517.721.222.917.3 16
Saturation - K1. 1.6
Saturation - Mg26.423.733.023.520.121.521.4 24.2
ppm - B1. 1
ppm - Ca1750255014002350195017002450 2021.4
ppm - Cu1. 1.7
ppm - Fe21301347302524 27.1
ppm - K801001278983100188 109.6 Legend
ppm - Mg385620575575410405535 500.7 Very High
ppm - Mn326309111114 16.1 High
ppm - P (available)8911191914 10.1 Medium
ppm - S91110118811 9.7 Low
ppm - Zn4. 5.1 Very Low
* significant digits are not considered when calculating averages
Soil analysis and categorization courtesy of A&L Great Lakes Laboratories.
Categorization is calculated through cation saturation instead of simple ppm for K, Mg and Ca.