Munster Heritage Park & Bieker Woods
Species List|Analysis and Graphs|Cover|Fungi|DBH (woody stems)|Soil|Maps|Photos
Soil Data (2011)
Plot 1Plot 2Plot 3 Average*
Texture ---
Sand % 0
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Silt % 0
Clay % 0
pH4.35.44.8 4.8
Buffer pH6.36.86.8 6.6
Organic % 2.3
Cation Exchange Capacity (meq/100g) 6.7
Saturation - Ca10.146.934.2 30.4
Saturation - H84.540.954.7 60
Saturation - K1.31.51.6 1.5
Saturation - Mg4.210.79.5 8.1
ppm - B0.20.60.2 0.3
ppm - Ca200550300 350
ppm - Cu2.63.13.9 3.2
ppm - Fe915081 74
ppm - K503428 37.3 Legend
ppm - Mg507550 58.3 Very High
ppm - Mn303732 33 High
ppm - P (available)1329895 108.3 Medium
ppm - S141113 12.7 Low
ppm - Zn6.225.612.2 14.7 Very Low
* significant digits are not considered when calculating averages
Soil analysis and categorization courtesy of A&L Great Lakes Laboratories.
Categorization is calculated through cation saturation instead of simple ppm for K, Mg and Ca.

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