
To examine species lists, maps, and data analysis for a particular site, please select from the map below or by name from the list.

To explore data patterns across multiple sites, please choose an option for the map below.

Site List
Ambler Expansion
Arcelor Mittal Burns Harbor
Barker Woods
Beaver Dam
Big Marsh
Bur Oak Woods
Calumet Prairie
Charter School of the Dunes
Coffee Creek
Cressmoor Prairie
ExxonMobil Hammond Terminal
Fox Run
Gibson Woods Nature Preserve
Great Marsh North
Hegewisch Marsh
Hidden Prairie
Indian Ridge Marsh
INDU - Central Beach West
INDU Great Marsh, Brown Kintzele Ditch West
INDU Great Marsh, Cowles Wetland Complex West
INDU Great Marsh, Derby Ditch East
INDU Great Marsh, Tansley Marsh
INDU Headquarter Woods
INDU Lake Plain Prairie
INDU Miller Woods
INDU Mt. Baldy
Ivanhoe Dune and Swale
Ivanhoe South
Kankakee Sands
Kennedy-Cline East
Kennedy-Cline West
Krueger Middle School
Little Calumet River Prairie & Wetlands
Marquette Pannes
Marquette Park
Munster Heritage Park & Bieker Woods
Pine Station
Richardson Preserve
Roxana Marsh
Samuelson Fen
Stockwell Woods
Taltree Arboretum
Tolleston Ridges
Trail Creek Fen
UofC FieldStation-MI
Wolf Lake peninsula
Number of Years Visited
Number of Years Visited
3.5 - 4
3 - 3.5
2.5 - 3
2 - 2.5
1.5 - 2
1 - 1.5

Protected Species Policy
To prevent poaching, NIRMI does not provide the location of any endangered, threatened, or otherwise protected species found within any of our plots. All lists, charts, and calculations (richness, FQI, etc.) therefore exclude these species as well.
If you are conducting research and have a legitimate need for this unfiltered data, please contact us at
nirmi (at) iun (dot) edu.

SiteNumber of Years Visited
Little Calumet River Prairie & Wetlands4
INDU Great Marsh, Tansley Marsh3
INDU Great Marsh, Derby Ditch East3
Marquette Park3
Calumet Prairie2
INDU Headquarter Woods2
Munster Heritage Park & Bieker Woods2
Wolf Lake peninsula2
INDU Miller Woods2
Stockwell Woods2
Hidden Prairie2
INDU Great Marsh, Cowles Wetland Complex West2
INDU Great Marsh, Brown Kintzele Ditch West2
Marquette Pannes2
INDU Lake Plain Prairie2
INDU Mt. Baldy2
Krueger Middle School2
Trail Creek Fen1
Taltree Arboretum1
Ivanhoe Dune and Swale1
Coffee Creek1
Bur Oak Woods1
Ivanhoe South1
Cressmoor Prairie1
Ambler Expansion1
Kankakee Sands1
Indian Ridge Marsh1
Hegewisch Marsh1
Fox Run1
Great Marsh North1
Barker Woods1
Beaver Dam1
Samuelson Fen1
Gibson Woods Nature Preserve1
Arcelor Mittal Burns Harbor1
UofC FieldStation-MI1
INDU - Central Beach West1
ExxonMobil Hammond Terminal1
Charter School of the Dunes1
Roxana Marsh1
Kennedy-Cline West1
Kennedy-Cline East1
Pine Station1
Tolleston Ridges1
Richardson Preserve1
Big Marsh1
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